By: Vanessa Wishon

"I think we might be seeing a preemie delay."
Ophf. I cringed at those words. My head knew they were coming but my heart felt them like a dagger. I've always expected the day would come that the doctor & I would be having this discussion, but expectation doesn't prepare you.
The anxious questions came like a flood.
How long will this delay be?
Are we going to need specialists?
Will she think something is wrong with her?
What else is hiding in there waiting for the expected milestone timeline to come & go?
Then I heard the whisper: "She is Mine."
The flood following those words weren't questions but promises.
She is wonderfully made.
She was gifted to us by the creator of the heavens.
He makes no mistakes.
He's promised to be faithful.
In our weakness, His grace is strong.
He will be with us in our tomorrows.

I don't know what this delay will bring; whether it will pass quickly or if we'll see more as the future unfolds. Still, tonight I rest easy because I've found His word and His promises to be sure when our circumstances are not. He's never failed us yet.

Vanessa lives in Georgia where she and her husband, Rodney, are in the beautiful midst of raising their two biological previously preemies and one bonus child while missing their daughter who lives in heaven. She has the joy of serving an extraordinary God; one of the ways she does that is by serving on Praying Through Ministries Prayer Teams.