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Jessika San

Updated: Nov 29, 2021

A special message from Founder, Jessika Sanders

Beautiful things are often birthed from suffering.

Isaiah 66:9 NIV states, “In the same way I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born, says the LORD.”

praying through nicu, picu, child loss
PRAYING THROUGH: Just moments after our son was born our eyes were opened to the severity of the situation. Here we can be seen PRAYING THROUGH the uncertainty, the fear, the worry.

While this passage is referring to the nation of Israel, we learn much about God’s character here. We learn this world is full of trials, tribulations, and suffering, but we also learn He wastes nothing. I have seen with my own eyes how God makes beauty from ashes. I have seen how as a Master Carpenter, He repurposes our broken and downtrodden souls. I have seen how He rebuilds people to be stronger than before and how with His gentle lovingkindness, He can put a new song in our hearts and birth something new and beautiful.

Much is the case with the founding of PRAYING THROUGH ministries.

Our Story

The hardships we experienced with our son, birthed in me a heart of compassion. Our 37-day NICU stay, our close call with loss that resulted in a 3-day PICU stay—it all served a greater purpose. When God walked me through each one of those fires, He was preparing my heart for this ministry. And once He spoke the words, “Create a community centered around me, one in which they pray through,” I could no longer sit idle. I could no longer stand by doing nothing when I knew there were countless men and women journeying through difficult seasons that were in need of Biblical support and encouragement. I could no longer just scroll social media when I knew I could be praying and standing in the gap for families. God put a new song in my heart to pray for and encourage those walking through the NICU, the PICU, and through CHILD LOSS.

Our Mission

Currently in the process of earning our Non-Profit 501 (c) (3) status, the mission of PRAYING THROUGH ministries, is to provide Biblical support and encouragement to men and women journeying through the NICU, PICU, and CHILD LOSS. Through our active, online Facebook communities centered around prayer, we help families to gather and pray through these difficult seasons together.

What We’ve Done So Far

In the 10 months we have been providing outreach for the Praying through the NICU branch of PRAYING THROUGH ministries, we have touched 56 families. These 56 families have received personalized care packages consisting of over 100 items to Biblically support and encourage them through the uncertainty, separation, anxiety, depression, and loss.

This year through our “Christmas in the NICU” Book Drive, our team members and volunteers collected close to 800 copies of the board book Goodnight, Manger by Laura Sassi. Laura Sassi, also a NICU mom to a now, college-aged 24-weeker, wrote a note of encouragement to accompany each book. The majority of these 800 books will be delivered to NICUs in 17 cities and 9 states! Twenty-five books will be mailed to members of our online community thus increasing our reach to additional cities and states nationwide. Close to 50 books from this book drive will also be donated to PICUs in Florida and Ohio.

What We’re Hoping to Do in 2022

Now that we have successfully established the Women Praying through the NICU branch, we are beginning to set up our remaining branches of Praying through CHILD LOSS and Praying through the PICU. This month we launched our Women Praying Through CHILD LOSS online community and social media page. We hope to add to our ministry outreach by collecting additional resources to serve the LOSS community.

We are also waiting for the Lord to send the men and women He has called to serve in the ministry. As our teams begin to come together, we anticipate launching our Men Praying through the NICU and Men Praying through CHILD LOSS branches in early 2022.

Because the PICU audience is so diverse, we plan to conduct local outreach in a number of cities and allow our online community to grow organically from there. We are confident that in His perfect timing, God will bring the teams for Men Praying Through the PICU and Women Praying Through the PICU. View our active social platforms here.

How You Can Help

As we work to gain our Non-Profit 501(c)(3) status, we are in need of monetary donations to sustain our ministry operations and outreach. Would you prayerfully consider making a monetary donation to fund much of the behind the scenes work of the ministry? Behind the scenes work includes registrations and fees for filing official documents, marketing materials like donation labels and cards, fees associated with creating our website, and shipping costs. See our Paypal donate button here.

If you don’t wish to make a monetary donation at this time, we would be blessed to receive any of the ministry outreach staples listed on our Amazon Wish List. When you purchase any of these items you can choose to have them shipped directly to me, Jessika Sanders, as the Ministry Founder. These items will be used in the care packages for all three branches of our ministry. See our Amazon Wish List here.

Do you know someone journeying through the NICU, PICU, or CHILD LOSS? Please share our ministry website and social platforms so we can assist in equipping and emboldening them with Biblical support and encouragement as they journey through these difficult seasons. See our social platforms here.

Call to action

Maybe you’re walking through the valley or maybe you’re standing on the mountaintop—whatever season this message finds you in, may you be reminded of God’s gracious, steadfast character of birthing beauty from ashes. PRAYING THROUGH ministries would be honored to have your support as we continue to shine God’s light into the darkest seasons of families around the nation. We don’t need a science degree to know that the light of the sun is essential for life. In the light we grow, we bloom, we blossom. In His light, beautiful things are born, even after suffering. Will you accept this invitation to join us in being the light? (Matthew 5:14)

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