Christmas in the NICU/PICU
In 2019, Praying Through ministries founder, Jessika Sanders and her husband found themselves in the NICU with their son. While their halls were decked at home, in their hospital room they had nothing but a few articles of clothes, deodorant and a Bible. Their hearts were heavy and completely overwhelmed by their circumstances. They felt like the rest of the world was celebrating while they were grieving. Then the kindness of a stranger entered their room and a simple gift not only changed their whole day, but their lives too.
Our goal is to collect and distribute 771 books for members of our online community and local NICUs and PICUs in Florida, North Carolina, Michigan, California, Indiana, Georgia, Texas, Oklahoma and Iowa.
To read more about this year's event visit our blog. For more on last year's inaugural event, click here to read or here to view photos.